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In Australia, there is a super-inflationary driver that goes unrecorded, therefore unfactored, because economists and demographers rely on official and /or conventional markers/data. I consider this to be foolish, especially as the past three years has taught us never to trust official explanations.

Land prices, especially arable and residential, have been sucked into a wild thermal that nobody explains convincingly. I have recorded the process previously but was slapped back with "foreign land ownership records refute your claim that Chinese have been buying up big".

Let me just say, that anybody who does not understand that the FIRB was established to lubricate foreign buy-ups, should not be in this conversation. Most Chinese purchases, made with CCP funds, were made by Chinese Australian citizens, therefore, of no interest to the FIRB.

This is how it was done: In 1975, the US planned and funded an Indonesian invasion of North Australia. The general who constructed the invasion plan smelled a rat when he found no estimate of logistical costs. Recognising that if the US would arrange the invasion of its 'bestest friend' Australia, it would surely betray Indonesia as well. So he arranged for a logistical analysis and was shocked to discover that the expense of advancing through 1600 ks of waterless, foodless, fuelless, desert, would anhilate the Indonesian economy.

Thus, he understood that the US game plan was to weaken both nations in order to more easily control them. He cancelled the invasion. However, 90% of corporate Indonesia is Chinese, and so word was instantly conveyed to China resulting in termination of any similar plans and, instead, Plan B was formulated.

Word of the Tiananmen Square massacre was proselytised world-wide and CIA agent, Prime Minister Bob Hawke immediately announced that 22,000 Chinese students would be given Australian citizenship as a means of protecting them from the 'evil CCP'.

It is understood that 22,000 increased dramitically and these are the invasion force currently taking over the valuable component of the Australian land mass. Obviously, this is inflationary but is not factored in because it does not officially exist.

Two items of history need to be recognised. The first is that the invasion logistics were known to both the US and Australia in the1940s, resulting in what was known as The Brisbane Lince. The sacrificing of the north in order to destroy any advancing enemy. The 1942 evacuation of the NT was pursuant to this strategy.

The second item is that we do not need the US to protect Australia. Our cruel and vast landmass does this very well. Ironically, the only nation with a will to capture Australia militarily, is the US, which it is doing as we speak, There are now 12 military installations in the NT alone, invited in by a government that has been owned by the US since the sacking of the Whitlam Government in 1975.

All discussion about investment and potential prosperity is academic until we reclaim national sovereignty.

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