Coming to the conclusions that you do on life and death, how does one live a life in accordance with these values in the modern world? There are no honorable wars, no new continents to explore. Books like the Hagakure were written for a warriors, for men in their most natural and highest state, not for the army of bugmen populating the earth today.

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That is what the highest thinkers were thinking back then before discovering their values that took hold for centuries. It's up to you to find out.

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I appreciate your thoughts about death. I think, but of course I can't be sure, that I will feel similarly upon the moment when my time has come. Like many people my age, what I fear about death is the aftermath, should I die alone, of finding me. The stories, if they are true, about cultures whose old or sick remove themselves to a solitary place, to die and return to the elements naturally, has wisdom and merit, in my opinion.

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crazy story, glad you have recovered. good read with interesting points

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Glad to see you chosen by fate

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Maybe you’re just depressed

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